
Standing GBC Sannyasa Committee
Members of the GBC Standing Sannyasa Committee:

1. HH Guru Prasad Swami

2. HH Bhaktivaibhava Swami

3. HH Sivarama Swami

4. HH Prahladananda Swami (chairman)

5. HH Bhakti Caitanya Swami

6. HG Hrdaya Caitanya dasa

Important GBC Resolutions about Standing Committee


THAT the GBC Sannyasa Sub-committee shall deal with any complaints against sannyasis. An investigation will be initiated if a majority of the members judges a complaint to merit investigation . Decisions will be made by a majority vote. The GBC Executive Committee shall present the decision to the GBC Body either by correspondence or at the next annual general meeting. A decision of the Sannyasa Sub-committee be overturned by a majority vote of the GBC Body; otherwise the sub-committee’s decision remains in effect. A sannyasi who does not abide by the decision shall be subjected to penalties according to ISKCON Law. If there are complaints against sannyasis who are also GBCmembers or gurus, the GBC Executive Committee may decide to deal with them itself; however, in that case the Sannyasa Minister should also participate in the decision-making process.

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